Tips to recognize loan sharks

Loan sharks are unlicensed and unregulated lenders who operate in the shadows. If you borrow money from them, you may be subjected to exorbitant interest rates, as well as threats and intimidation. Always borrow from licensed money lenders like SKM Credit which is good at money lending in Toa Payoh Singapore.  Here are some tips to recognize loan sharks.

  • The offer of a cash loan was made in your favour. Cash is generally the mode of exchange for loan sharks, but you should be aware that they may also operate online.
  • The relevant papers outlining the terms of the loan will be provided to you by all legitimate lenders. Loan sharks will not enter into a written arrangement with you until you specifically request one.
  • An inability to obtain clear information regarding the loan, such as its interest rate and repayment terms. In certain cases, loan sharks are ambiguous regarding the amount of interests they impose and when the loan will be repaid.
  • There are no checks required for this type of lending. At the same time, loan sharks will not perform credit checks or affordability assessments, unlike approved lenders.
  • Intimidating or violent behaviour. If you don’t pay back the loan, loan sharks may resort to harassment and violence, which is something that licensed lenders would never do.
  • In the event that your loan is never repaid, in order to obtain your business, loan sharks would most likely charge you extremely high interest rates, making it impossible for you to ever pay back the money you borrowed. Additionally, they may lend you additional money or impose additional fees, causing you to remain in debt to them.
  • In the case of a recent acquaintance who offers to lend you money. In spite of the fact that they appear pleasant and that you believe you can trust them, you should always be wary if someone offers to lend you money if you don’t know them well enough.


One of the most effective ways to guard against predatory financing is to ask a lot of questions, do a lot of research, and compare prices. Allow yourself some time to consider your options. Inquire about legal loan firms that don’t charge exorbitant interest rates and get recommendations. Inquire about previous clients’ opinions. Pay attention to the small print and make certain that you comprehend all of the loan’s stipulations. In spite of having bad or no credit, there are numerous trustworthy lenders who will deal with you. Protect your company from becoming trapped in a debt cycle from which it may be impossible to escape.